[Tutor] Printing Complimentary strand of the DNA sequence:

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Oct 4 14:23:47 EDT 2019

On 04/10/2019 11:39, Mihir Kharate wrote:

> (In a DNA sequence, the base 'A' binds to the base 'T' and 'C' binds
> to 'G'. These base letters are compliments of each other). So the
> expected output for a 'ATTGC' should be 'TAACG'
Look at the translate method of strings combined with the
maketrans() function....

>>> table = str.maketrans('ATCG','TAGC')
>>> 'AGTCAGACT'.translate(table)

Is that what you want?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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