[Tutor] Need Help!

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 19 18:20:44 EDT 2019

On 19 October 2019, at 22:47, Ronald Walker via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:

>I am uninitiated with computers and with computer speak.
>I would very much appreciate some help at a primary level.
>I am trying to learn Python because most of the research I did on
>programming languages suggest that Python is supposed to be quite easy to
>learn. However, in reading Python materials it seems to assume that I know
>what they are talking about and am familiar with the jargon and many other
>I am not.

That's ok, most tutorials are aimed at programmers learning python as a new language, not complete beginners. The good news is that there are several tutorials for complete beginners too. Check out the non programmers page on the python.org website.

>For example I have found how to use the help function in Python. However, in
>reading it, I cannot understand what it is trying to communicate.

Again that is aimed at experienced programmers.

>It is English. And I am quite literate in English. But this English is not
>using English vocabulary and syntax in a way that I can semantically

That's because computer science is a branch of math and uses math concepts. It is not much like learning a natural language. 

>Do you see my confusion?
>Can anyone provide some clarity and direction for material that could "help"
>my understanding?

Absolutely understand but unfortunately I'm away from my pc and can't provide a useful answer via my tablet. Hopefully somebody else will explain the notation. However there are tutorials that will explain the jargon which will help. Mine is one such but there are several others in the non programmers page mentioned earlier.

Alan g.

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