[Tutor] How can one know if a Python behavior is meant to be a maintained feature or just an implementation artifact?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 15:37:14 EDT 2019

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 1:54 PM Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:

> The "implementation detail" was made a language feature in 3.7, so the
> documentation now says it's a guaranteed feature.

So if a language behavior makes it into the official documentation,
the intent is to now maintain that behavior in all future versions?

Are there any examples of language behaviors making it into the
documentation only to be altered or deprecated a version or two later?

> If you want to be more sure you can use an OrderedDict - that works for
> all versions.

I am mildly surprised that this now remains in the standard library.
Is this solely for pre-version 3.6 compatibility concerns?  Is the
game plan to eventually deprecate OrderedDict and later remove it?

> Normally the official documentation will take pains to tell you - if
> some behavior should not be counted on; and for that which can be
> counted on, in which Python version it became official. ..

Hmm.  Seems there is room for some grayness here.  How many assumed
behaviors are there in Python that are not explicitly documented, but
have become second nature to developers?  I have no clue.  Just
speculating... ~(:>))


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