[Tutor] Noob seeking help (Linux related)

Matthew Ngaha chigga101 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 14:36:47 EDT 2019

I'm thinking about installing openSuse Linux. They have 2 versions
available. 1) Leap (A stable release) 2) Tumbleweed (A rolling
release). Stable means all software remains the same and does not get
upgraded. To upgrade you need some proficiency in Linux. So if you
have Python 3.5 you will have to upgrade yourself and I hear this
might not be safe. Rolling release means the repositories are updated
constantly and if you run a command on the command line your OS will
be updated where by all the software installed on your computer gets
automatically upgraded to match the repositories.

Okay with that out of the way, and as a Python user, I need advise on
which to get and which is better for a developer (beginner noob with
little Linux experience). I will mainly use Python and Django. Django
releases new versions really regularly and these newer versions stop
supporting older Python versions. so if I get Leap (stable version)
there will come a time where I will need to update Python, or get
stuck with an out of date Django version. I won't have this trouble if
I install Tumbleweed (rolling release) as Python will be updated but
my concern is if I write code for say Python 3.6 or 3.7 then months
later 3.8 comes out, will it break my code or is porting over code
fairly easy to do?

Lastly, someone I asked said something about virtualenv. If my OS has
Python 3.6, can that same OS without updating Python use virtualenv to
install Python 3.7, even though the installed Python on the system is
Python 3.6?

Please put yourself in my shoes and tell me which OS out of the 2 is
better for me or a developer.

Thanks and all the best.

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