[Tutor] Python3 : Yes --- Python2 : No ?

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sat Sep 21 18:51:00 EDT 2019

On 9/21/19 2:57 PM, Mike Barnett wrote:
> Your comment regarding COBOL and pointing out the lack of a "time bomb" in Python 2 really got me thinking.
> I think for my package I need to go the final step and remove the 2.7 version from PyPI.  I hate to be so draconian in forcing users over, but it may be the only way.  Guess I would rather not have those users than have them running 2.7.
> For the users that have reported what it took for them to "upgrade" when using my package, some posted saying it was a trivial 15 minute ordeal and they were done.
> I think a portion of the 2.7 install base is there out of fear... the fear of change and "going backwards" in their development setup.  That's the sense I get from hearing from a few 2.7 users of my stuff.

fear I'm sure is there but so is inertia.

As an example, Fedora is in the Fedora 31 release cycle, continuing an
effort to orphan and then drop the Py2 packages that aren't actually
necessary.  From the F31 wiki page:

"Over a thousand packages in Fedora still depend on Python 2, which will
reach End of Life (EOL) on 2020-01-01, shortly after the expected Fedora
31 release date. "

And that's after a big effort already for F30. A whole bunch of
somebodies have to go over all that stuff and make at least some
changes... ouch.

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