[Tutor] Seeking help for learning python

Jim jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Thu Apr 2 10:02:33 EDT 2020

On 4/2/20 4:46 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 01/04/2020 09:21, Shuvro Mallik wrote:
>> .... Currently I have completed my MBA afterwards I determined to learn python.
> Interesting choice, but one which this list would naturally applaud. :-)
>> I do have zero knowledge on coding .
> That's a sad truism. Business courses in this day and age should at
> least include a basic programming course. The skills of analysing a
> program and coding it are directly relevant to business process
> design!
> Also most businesses today are critically dependant on their IT
> systems. When the CEO cannot understand how his mission critical
> resources work, at least conceptually, he/she is in trouble!

So true. Way back when (50 years ago) I was getting my accounting degree 
and we had to take a programming course. I can't even remember what 
language it was, maybe that's why I became interested in programming as 
a hobby. My daughter now teaches at that university and she tells me 
that many of her students are meteorology majors.

With covid 19 now sweeping the US she is teaching C++ and Android 
classes from my dining room table. She says that next semester the intro 
course will be Python so maybe she will actually ask me some questions.

Regards,  Jim

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