[Tutor] spectutils
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 8 09:46:36 EDT 2020
On 08/04/2020 11:28, Rudolf Baer wrote:
> I am working on a macbook pro OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, python 2.7 , jupyter notebook.
> from specutils import Spectrum1D
> flux = np.random.randn(200)*u.Jy
> wavelength = np.arange(5100, 5300)*u.AA
> spec1d = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=wavelength, flux=flux)
> TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-1-2e15c1951be1> in <module>()
> 6 wavelength = np.arange(5100, 5300)*u.AA
> ----> 7 spec1d = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=wavelength, flux=flux)
> TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)
This isn't really a python issue but a specutils package issue.
If you are very lucky you will find a user of specutils on this
list who can help, but you may need to ask on a specutils forum
(or at least the SciPy forum where you are more likely to find
a fellow user).
The basic error is self explanatory, your code doesn't provide
enough arguments. But unless we see the definition of the
SpectrumID __init__() method we can't guess what the missing
item is.
You might get a clue by using the built in help:
>>> import specutils
>>> help(specutils.SpectrumID)
But that depends a lot on how diligent the author of the package
was in writing documentation.
Alan G
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