[Tutor] Python ConfigParser Tkinter update configuration file between modules

Niro One reply.here at rocketmail.com
Thu Apr 9 09:31:59 EDT 2020

Hi Alan
Strange. First time, when sent, it did not appear garbled.Second time, sent to myself, did not not appear garbled.Then forward you fellas.
I have two Tkinter windows main (mdf.py) and configuration (cnf.py). Main window provides button link to configuration. In configuration main window editable. Configuration window provides button link for mainwindow return. Configuration edit successful at Sypder IPython Console. Configuration edit successful at write to disk. Returning to main window, configuration update FAIL.
Close/restart main update PASS. Close/restart configuration update PASS.

Changing 'r' to 'r+' at read_file wipes out configuration write.
Sending both mdf.txt cnf.txt
Thank-you for your patience.

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