[Tutor] re Python ConfigParser Tkinter PLAIN TXT ISSUE

Niro One reply.here at rocketmail.com
Thu Apr 9 09:36:56 EDT 2020

Hi Alan using YMAIL at bottom switch to plain txt mode.

I've never had this issue

Below is snip of code plain txt enabled

Kindly reply with 'result'


import os
import sys
import cnf
import tkinter as tk

from configparser import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)

cfg_key = 0

if os.path.isfile('ini.ini') and os.access('ini.ini', os.R_OK):
        with open('ini.ini', 'r') as cfg:
            ins_exe = config.get('ins_exe', 'ins_exe')

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