[Tutor] Solving physics problems with python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 12 10:11:08 EDT 2020

On 12/04/2020 14:03, mixipilixi . wrote:
> I am a physicist and am learning python. I wonder if you could recommend a
> beginners reference for me to learn python with focus on physics
> applications. I would like to learn to do calculations and plot curves
> effectively on basic physics. Eventually I would like to move to more
> complex physics subjects.  One of my interests is quantum computing, among
> others.
> Thank you for having this wonderful resource available to us users,
> especially us beginners
> Humberto figueroa

Hi Humberto.

If you are doing science with python you should install(if you haven't
already) one of the SciPy distributions of Python. (You can install all
the bits separately but its much easier to get it all in one)
The best known example is Anaconda. (Another option is Enthought Canopy)

As a physicist I'll assume you already know how to program in some other
language and can pick up the basics of the Python language from the
official tutor at python.org.

After that head to the SciPy website where there are many tutorials on
the various scipy packages. Thee is also a web forum where other science
users hang out.


This forum is fine for general python/programming questions but only
a relatively small proportion of our members are working in science.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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