[Tutor] if statement issue

DL Neil PyTutor at danceswithmice.info
Sat Apr 25 19:57:30 EDT 2020

On 26/04/20 11:20 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 25/04/2020 22:44, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:
>> (I tend to start with 'the data', because that is my background - not
>> just because I like to tease @Alan - mercilessly)
> Teasing noted, but to be fair if it is a data oriented
> program (as this clearly is) starting with the data
> is a good idea. And its how I start most data projects:
> with a database design using good old ER diagrams.
> If necessary, I'll later build an object model on top,
> but the data  is the key if that's what the problem
> requires.
> Just don't go on to claim it is "Object Oriented"! :-)

Aye, dinna fash yourself laddie! *

I wasn't going for OOD or OOP, but by reducing to (almost) functional 
programming, just-about succeeded in making the whole thing declarative!

* have been saving this one for you!
Someone phoned me, not to express concern for my COVID-free welfare, but 
to ask what this phrase means. Apparently there's a new TV series which 
features Scots/Gaelic characters, and the question caused me to wonder 
if its ardent-fans are going to end-up like 'Trekkies' speaking Klingon?

For those who are also asking: it can be used somewhat humorously (as 
here) or in a dismissive fashion: do not worry yourself/it is nothing to 
worry-about/no worries mate/she'll be right/it's above your pay-grade!
Regards =dn

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