[Tutor] Parsing email headers

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 19:45:50 EDT 2020

On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 7:09 PM DL Neil via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
> On 27/04/20 9:13 AM, Jim wrote:
> > What I want to do is figure out where an email came from without
> > actually opening it. We all get possible malicious emails. Some are
> > obvious but some look pretty real. Many times the From line just says
> > "Google" or "Chase", etc.  I wrote a little bare bones script that will
> > print out the From:, Return-Path: and the Sender: names from the header.
> >
> > Right now using Thunderbird, I right-click on the email in question.
> > Then I click Save As and give it a name. It is then saved as a .eml
> > file. Then I give the file name to my script and see the header info.
> >
> > I worry about discarding a legitimate email or getting some type
> > infection by opening an email to check if it is legitimate. So am I
> > protecting myself with the above procedure or will the above procedure
> > still subject me to risks of opening a bad email?
> >
> > Right now it is a fairly manual process. If it is worth while I would
> > like to spend the time making it a one click process if possible.
> Have you seen the PSL's imaplib — IMAP4 protocol client? With
> appropriate coding, this would save the manual effort by enabling direct
> access to the server.
> Sadly, you may need to tangle with whatever security/encryption is used
> by the email server.
> It would give the opportunity to move msgs from INBOX to a Junk folder
> or similar - rather than deleting any false-negatives, per your concern!
> OT: Yes, be aware (if you are not already) that many headers can be
> "spoofed" and thus email can be made to come from one place/person but
> actually originates elsewhere, eg a spammer. So, even if the header says
> 'whitehouse.gov', it may not be true!

totally OT, some might say that anything that comes from
'whitehouse.gov' is never true.  Sorry ;)
> Notes:
> - suggested IMAP rather than POP because you might want to [re]move 'the
> bad stuff' but not the 'good'. This further implies that either you are
> using IMAP with Thunderbird, or that the 'filter program' would have to
> be run before Thunderbird is started (and Tb's regular 'Get messages'
> function switched off.
> IMAP stores msg on the server
> POP downloads msgs and stores them 'in Thunderbird' on the client
> PSL = Python Standard Library
> WebRef:
> https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/imaplib.html
> --
> Regards =dn
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Joel Goldstick

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