[Tutor] [OT] Cool vim feature

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Apr 29 16:02:25 EDT 2020

On 4/29/20 1:38 PM, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:

>> probably don't have a lot of incentive to keep exploring new stuff... at
>> least that's been the case for me, I've discovered new stuff quite
>> slowly.
> Are Release Notes largely treated in the same manner as License Agreements?
> (that's a bit long, I'm not going to read that/will come back to it later?)

In my case, I get updates through a package manager... dnf or apt on
Linux, and chocolatey on Windows.  So new versions "just install", I
would have to go looking for release notes, and if there's not a reason
you know you need to, why?

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