[Tutor] Is it possible to make a Raspberry do what I need it to do?
Joel Goldstick
joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 09:28:02 EDT 2020
On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 5:06 AM Jack Funkinstain
<shaneperfit3121 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hello
> Can you please help me with my raspberry project
> For my project I need to make a Raspberry Pi Play an HD 1080 video on start
> up/boot/ in full screen. The video will be roughly 15 minutes long and will
> play in a loop. It is very important that there is not a blank screen or
> any visual or audio gaps when the loop starts over (I have heard that some
> media player program have a noticeable delay between the end and the start
> of a loop). The video needs to load/start with the volume all the way down,
> then have a motion sensor trigger an automation of the volume parameter on
> the media player program to gradually go up/fade in to a set volume level
> (most likely full volume). The volume then needs to stay at a
> fixed/consistent level while the person is in front of the sensor. Then
> when the person leaves, the sensor triggers the automation of the volume
> parameter to gradually go down/fade out. If a person triggers the motion
> sensor before the volume reaches 0, I want the volume parameter to increase
> from the point it left off rather than start from 0. I will also need to
> install a power button.
> I will not be using the raspberry pi as a desktop computer. The one video
> MPEG4 and possibly separate audio clip I add will be the only files ever
> played on this Raspberry. I will be saving the video file onto a 16gb micro
> sd card (not on a usb drive). After the initial setup and configuration the
> only ports I will be using is the HDMI port and audio out jack, no wifi. I
> want to just plug it in, then the video/audio/programs automaically play
> for hours/days. Then when I am done, just push the power off button and
> unplug the device. Sort of as if it was being used headless.
> Questions I have.
> 1. The Raspberry pi will be in non-stop use for hours, maybe days. I
> read that people have used raspberry’s in video art galleries for up to 4
> days without over heating problems. But I also have read that people have
> installed cooling systems/heat sinks for certain models (perhaps older
> models?)and I have seen that many official retailers offer kits with
> cooling systems. And I also read that it is unnecessary and pointless to
> install heat sinks and cooling devices on a raspberry. Do some models get
> hotter than others? Will the heat reduce performance causing my video/audio
> to glitch or cause the programs to crash? Will the application I plan on
> using this for cause heating problems if it is in continues use? If for
> some reason I cannot accomplish my goal with one media player program and I
> have to run 2 applications, one playing the video, the other playing the
> audio, possibly another for the automation, will this be a problem for
> certain models to handle? Will 2GB of ram be enough for my project? Does
> the Raspberry Pi 3 model A+ get less hot and therefore better suited for my
> project? Is a 16gb micro sd card enough?
> 2. Is what I am trying to do even possible on a raspberry pi ? I have
> not been able to find any tutorial about automating software parameter
> changes. Can you recommend any software to use for the automation? I know
> there are several different media player programs you can download to use
> as a video looper but can you recommend the one that has no noticeable gaps
> when restarting a loop? Will I need a breadboard, HAT? The motion sensor
> will be 30 inches away from the Raspberry pi and mounted onto a piece of
> wood.
> 3. I have not been able to find a tutorial video on how to code my
> Raspberry to do what I need it to do. Do you have any recommendations?
> 4. Can you please make a tutorial video to do what I am trying to do?
> Thank you
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This library looks promising. This is a python programming list. You
may want to do some research at raspberrypi.org
Joel Goldstick
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