[Tutor] Python Tutorial Confusion

Ricardo icarrrdo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 01:08:12 EDT 2020

   This is probably a very elementary question/problem to most of you, but
   I’m having trouble understanding lines 5 through 10. Can someone explain
   it to me?


 1  command = ""
 2  started = False
 3  while True:
 4      command = input("> ").lower()
 5      if command == "start":
 6          if started:
 7              print("Car is already started!")
 8          else:
 9              started = True
 10              print("Car started...")
 11      elif command == "stop":
 12          print("Car stopped.")
 13      elif command == "help":
 14          print("""
 15 start - to start the car
 16 stop - to stop the car
 17 quit - to end the game
 18        """)
 19      elif command == "quit":
 20          break
 21      else:
 22        print("Sorry, I don't understand that")


   The person conducting the tutorial says line 2 means the car is NOT


   Line 5 says if command is “start”, it prints “Car Started…” (line10)


   Then, line 6 says “if started” meaning if NOT started (because started =
   False in line2) then print “Car is already started!”) (line7) which I
   don’t understand. Why would it print “Car is already started!” (line7) if
   started = false (line2) meaning it is NOT started.


   Then line 9 sets started = True and it just confuses me. Sorry for such a
   beginner question.



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