[Tutor] Mapping memory coordinate to screen coordinates

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 18:06:24 EST 2020

On 3/12/20 7:35 am, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> In computer graphics textbooks, what you have encountered is a
> difference between World Coordinates and (Normalized) Device Coordinates
> (there is typically an intermediate of "Viewport Coordinates" covered in
> the texts too). One has to go through a transformation going from one to
> the other.

Thank you Dennis for searching for the links on transformation. I 
normally think of transformation in the context of rotating a 3D object, 
for example. My current problem is nowhere near as complex and simply 
involves swapping the x and y coordinates, [y][x] instead of [x][y]. I 
think a grid class, as suggested, would be a helpful solution. I will 
study the content of the links.

Thank you Alan for an alternative to a list of lists, I haven't made 
much use of dictionaries. I'll give it some thought.

Thank you dn for your report. I hadn't considered that I maybe guilty of 
ridged thinking. However, I do seem to get stuck in circular pattern 
when trying to solve a problem so your suggestion probably has some merit.

By the way, the pygame example is just something that I came across, it 
illustrates the problem well. My current project is built using the 
wxPython GUI library.



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