[Tutor] I don't quite understand bitwise
PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Tue Dec 15 17:29:52 EST 2020
On 16/12/2020 08:11, nathan tech wrote:
> An example of this is:
> self.RegisterHotKey(self.kid6, win32con.MOD_ALT|win32con.MOD_SHIFT, 0x46)
> So I started to research how the x|y format works and came across
> bitwise operators which is apparrently what is meant when x|y|z is used.
> But to me they look like ints/
> I am just... Completely lost on how this eeven works.
You are correct in saying that they look like ints. However, the next
question is to ask, 'what do ints look like?'
Aside: At $work we are very concerned by, and often debate, the options
of learning Python on its own, eg the 'boot camp' idea (no one who has
suffered a military Boot Camp would ever put the two in the same
category!). The comparisons come down to the time it takes to complete a
traditional degree program[me] and its (crushing!) costs; versus the
thinness of depth and narrowness of coverage that characterises a
'fast-course'. Perhaps a separate "Friday Finking" discussion...
Apparently you have learned Python, perhaps even taught yourself,
without the traditional backing of a ComSc degree. For which I praise
you, and any implied-criticism is for the approach.
In a 'full-fat' ComSc course there would be coverage of
computer-hardware and how it works, including the use of binary code and
boolean algebra; and perhaps even some exposure to machine code and/or
assembler languages. All of which gives (me at least) a great
appreciation for Python, its idea of a "virtual machine", and how it
saves us from so much 'pain'!
So, after all that mumbling-and-grumbling, here's a short-version (with
the assumption that you'll read-up about the parts you don't
already/immediately understand):-
We talk about using a "64-bit computer" (or perhaps a slightly older
machine might be 32-bit). What is a "bit"? We used to think of a
"binary-digit" as the smallest unit of information in a computer. The
analog was a light-switch, which can either turn the lamp "on" or "off".
However, computer-storage is usually "addressed" at the level of
"bytes". What is a byte? Eight bits! Just as a bit can only assume one
of only two possible "states", a byte has exactly 2⁸ unique states, ie
256. [in case it doesn't come-through the email, that's two superscript
8, ie two to the eighth power] "Two" is quite a small number, and 256 is
still not very large. So, bytes are often grouped-together for strength.
Back to our computer's 'size', those "64-bits" could also be considered
a collection of eight bytes! In the ?good, old, days we might have
referred to this grouping of bits/bytes as a "word".
At this point we could 'disappear' into computer architecture, but
Python's interpreter abstracts us away from such detail. Let's spare
ourselves and move-on.
If we have a series of bits (or bytes), some of which are turned 'on'
and some of which are 'off', eg
0110 0001
what does this mean? The opaque answer is that it can mean anything that
you want it to mean! For example, you mentioned ints. This succession of
bits could be said to mean the integer "97" (and it does!).
What about learning our (Latin) alphabet? These (same) bits could
represent the letter "a" (again, it does!).
How about if we have a set called "fruit"? The first four bits (I'm too
lazy to do more*) could indicate that we have some combination of an
apple, a banana, a clementine, a durian... in which case:
0110 ~ a banana and a clementine
So, it's all about "encoding"! Thus, how do we use the binary-digits
and/or what do they represent. Until you apply *your* meaning to the
bits, we can't be more specific amongst the choices:
0110 0001 ~ 97 ~ "a" ~ a banana and a clementine (etc)
Let's 'cheat' for a moment, and stay with my abbreviated four-element
sets of fruit.
Cast your mind back to the school-yard. Perhaps your Mum/Mom gave you
some food to eat at school, and perhaps mine also for me. Being kids we
always thought that what the other had was somehow better than our own.
So, being clever, little, nascent-coder, problem-solvers, we would
compare and contrast before making deals to trade/swap.
Let's say I turn-up with a a banana and a clementine, and you've been
given a durian. As a first step, lets add or 'pool' them together. Now
we have a pile (set) of fruit consisting of a banana, a clementine, and
a durian. With that knowledge we can start 'trading', and because you're
bigger (stronger, and can leap more buildings at a single bound) than
me, you take the lot - throwing-down the banana peal for me to slip on
(no, you wouldn't do that to me. Would you?)
Let's use the same system as above to represent the two sets of fruit,
and what happens when we create a 'pool':
mine: { banana, clementine }
yours: { durian }
the pool: { banana, clementine, durian }
Applying the 'encoding' method, this could be expressed, in bits, as:
mine: 0110
yours: 0001
the pool: 0111
Are we agreed that 0110₂ represents or 'equals' a banana, a clementine,
and a durian?
(in case it doesn't come-through the email, that's 0110 subscript two,
ie 0110 in base-2)
Did you notice the columnar relationship? If there is a 1 from either
(or both) rows, then the column position representing the pool will be
one. If neither is one (or both 'mine' and 'yours' is zero) then the
pool's column or bit will be zero!
Thus, taking the calculation one bit at a time ("bit-wise"!), if 'my'
bit is one *or* 'your' bit is one, then the answer-bit is set to one.
Conversely, if neither bit is one, then the answer-bit is set to zero.
This is the binary OR operation!
NB there are variants, but they're irrelevant to the stated application.
Finally, we reach 'the point'!
In the (above) explanation, combining the two sets was referred to as
"adding" or "pooling". In Boolean Algebra, bitwise 'adding' is called
"or", ie if either you *or* I had a piece of that type of fruit to
contribute to the pool, it would appear in the pool.
NB The analogy breaks-down if we both contribute an apple, because sets
don't 'count' how many of each item. To account for that, we need to
represent our 'pool' using integers (unless I've already eaten part of
my apple on the way to school - not an unheard-of event! Now, we're
talking "floats" or "real numbers" and we're not going there...) ie
different encoding systems!
In the wxPython context, we are discussing modifier-keys, of which there
is a finite set, and there's no such thing as two 'flag'/'Windows' keys
(and the two shift-keys can be separately-identified). Accordingly, a
key-combination is a set, a pooling, of multiple keys; which presumably
will lead to a particular choice/function.
So, whilst the wxPython-people are content to use Boolean Algebra and
bitwise-or functions to express a key-combination; apparently you would
prefer a 'higher-level abstraction'. Hey, I'm with you on this!
Perhaps then use a Python set rather than a list, and you'll be off
(and with a belly full of good, healthy, fruit - but if you're going to
cut-open that durian, I'm heading a long way away, up-wind!)
* and yes, just to leave anyone who has read this far with a smile,
those four bits (half a byte) could be referred to as a "nibble" or
"nybble". Actually, this not just a joke. The first single-chip CPUs
were four-bit computers. These are still available, and applied in
numerous situations.
Furthermore, it seems likely that the use (and understanding) of
Python's bit-wise operations will become more important with the
increasing use of Raspberry Pi-s and other SBCs, MicroPython, etc!
Regards =dn
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