[Tutor] Command Lines

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Dec 24 12:41:51 EST 2020

On 12/23/20 10:48 PM, GardeGlory wrote:
> Hey y'all! I hope you and your teams are doing well this Christmas season.I
> know that this is by far not the preferred method of communication or help
> for this type of problem, but I am mentally exhausted from countless hours
> of forum searching and youtube videos... The reason I am reaching out is
> that I am new to the Python scene and am trying to set up a basic web
> scraping script, however, I ran into a "pip install" problem, so, after
> hours of scrounging around trying to figure out what a "command line" is,
> can you guys give me a step-by-step to try and dumb it down for me? What is
> a command line? And how do I go from it to doing something like "pip
> install requests"? Any help would be great, thank you so much, GardeGlory.

Alan Gault has given you what you to know, just wanted to put it very 

pip is a separate command on the same level as python, not something you 
type to a Python prompt, so you start it just like you start python. 
Except on Windows, you often expect to start Python by clicking on 
something (which will never be the case for pip), so it takes a little 
extra knowledge.  You can also, and this is preferred, run pip by giving 
command-line arguments to Python.

It shouldn't be that hard to find information on a command shell, 
certainly not hours of research.  Here's a Microsoft basic page, 
although it's not actually very descriptive, so this link is just to 
show this is a very basic thing:


(I cut this replay down to just the tutor mailing list).

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