[Tutor] Searching a list for a value, was Re: (no subject)

David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Tue Feb 11 17:33:56 EST 2020

> On Feb 11, 2020, at 16:24, DL Neil via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
> Training is largely idealistic - at least its educational component.
> If you've just completed a learning session entitled or involving "if", doesn't it follow that the session's assignment will involve same?


>> In the case of the OP, "using an if" was part of the requirements, for better or worse; hence the "suggestions.”
> The intent was not to debate the OP's constraints - out of his/her control; but to ask if such 'advice' is actually helpful, because of the very nature of writing code.
> NB some posts/suggested-solutions did not include 'if', which raises the question: if a trainee does not use 'if', is that a bad thing (wrt to the objectives of that learning-session), or is it a great thing ((s)he has figured-out a perfectly valid solution to the problem)?

The answer to that is largely based on context.  In the context of learning something specific (eg, use “if”), it is a failure if the task is not completed as directed.  Following directions is at least as important as “finding another way to do something.”  You are testing a _specific_ skill, not looking for “out of the box” creativity.  If you complete the task and do not use the prescribed method, there is no way to tell if you understand the lesson.

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com

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