[Tutor] Type Error in Python

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 15:47:38 EST 2020

On 17/02/2020 16:19, Lindsay towndrow wrote:
> Hi team,
> I’m using python for a psychology project and I have a problem when inserting my histogram. It says Type error: string indices must be integers. I have looked on every single website I could find and can’t figure out what I did wrong. Also wondering if it has something to do with my data? I’ve attached a photo!
> Thank you in advance,
> Lindsay

Please show us your code and the full traceback leading up to the 
TypeError.  This text only list has stripped your photo.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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