[Tutor] Basic ElementTree xml question

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Mon Feb 24 03:00:45 EST 2020

Phil wrote:

> Thank you for reading this,
> I'm trying to create an xml file with an output that looks like this"
> <gpx>
>  <wpt lat="-32.506533000" lon="137.740017000">
> and this is the closest that I have so far achieved:
> <gpx>
>  <wpt>
> with this code snippet:
> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
> gpx = ET.Element("gpx")
> wpt = ET.SubElement(gpx, "wpt")
> So my question is, how to I include the lat and lon text after <wpt ?

>>> gpx = ET.Element("gpx")
>>> wpt = ET.SubElement(gpx, "wpt", lat="-32.5", lon="137.7")
>>> ET.tostring(gpx)
b'<gpx><wpt lat="-32.5" lon="137.7" /></gpx>'

If that's not possible:

>>> wpt.attrib["not-a-valid-python-identifier"] = "spam"
>>> ET.tostring(gpx)
b'<gpx><wpt lat="-32.5" lon="137.7" not-a-valid-python-identifier="spam" 

>>> ET.tostring(ET.Element("foo", attrib={"ham-spam": "jam", "foo-bar": 
b'<foo foo-bar="baz" ham-spam="jam" />'                                                                                      

> I've searched the Internet for example code but haven't found anything
> that allows strings after "<wpt ". So far, I haven't been able to turn
> the information in the Etree manual into anything close to what I need.

Goggling for "create elementtree element with attribute" finds


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