[Tutor] overlapping tuples

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 28 05:13:01 EST 2020

On 28/02/2020 04:03, Narasimharao Nelluri wrote:

>     if fir[1] >= sec[0] and fir[1] <=sec[1]:=======>Here i am validating
> 2nd element in first variablae is in-between seconds variable if it is
> there is a overlap

In python you can write that more concisely as:

    if sec[0] <= fir[1] <= sec[1]:

>     if sec[0] >= fir[0] and sec[1] <= fir[1]:=====> Here i am checking if
> first element in second variable is in-between second variable , there is a
> oberlap

In that case shouldn't the index to sec be the same in both comparisons?
The comparison style above would have eliminated that error...

Alan G
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