[Tutor] Please help disentangle my program logic

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sun Jan 5 18:19:40 EST 2020

On 05Jan2020 19:37, Robert Alexander <gogonegro at gmail.com> wrote:
>My program currently handles an “exception” and exits if a prerequisite
>external program is not found. So that would go to STDOUT/ERR and the logs
>proper to a log via the logging module.

The default logger sends to stderr, BTW. So for simple things I just log 
errors etc via the default logging calls and they come out on stderr as 
normal for a UNIXy command line.

Another nice thing about the logging module is that the format facility 
lets you configure it to do boilerplate like the timestamp or log level 
label, for example:

    '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'

However, your setup line:

  nohup python -u speedtest.py >> adsl.log &

expects stuff to come from the standard output. You'd want:

  nohup python -u speedtest.py >> adsl.log 2>&1 &

to use the default logging arrangement.

On the subject of starting long running daemons, personally I kick a lot 
of daemony things off in tmux (like a more modern screen) instead of 
using nohup.  That way I've got a nicely named session I can reconnect 
to, and I can just interrupt it and restart it differently or whatever.

>> PS Etiquette question please: Is it better to reply to both the 
>> sender and the list or the list only?

I tend to reply to the list and the sender by default, with the 
Reply-To: set to the list address. But just-to-the-list is also normal, 
and arguably more polite.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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