[Tutor] Jupyternotebook set up

Olsen, Avalow Y Yuanyuan.A.Olsen at HealthPartners.Com
Mon Jan 27 23:01:47 EST 2020

Thanks, Gary!
You are right. Pandas has its own built-in options for display.  The following code works:

pd.options.display.max_rows = None
pd.options.display.min_rows = None  #  this line is a must. Otherwise it would still only show head and tail.

Really appreciate it!  Thank you!
From: Gary LaRose [mailto:garylarose at outlook.com]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 8:41 PM
To: Olsen, Avalow Y <Yuanyuan.A.Olsen at HealthPartners.Com>
Cc: tutor at python.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: [Tutor] Jupyternotebook set up

External Email: Don't click links or attachments unless you trust the email.
It appears you are printing value counts from a pandas dataframe column (series)

Check this stackoverflow post


Try option_context ( from above post )

with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None):  # more options can be specified also

Or try pd.option_context as above with:

On Jan 27, 2020, at 8:11 PM, Olsen, Avalow Y <Yuanyuan.A.Olsen at healthpartners.com<mailto:Yuanyuan.A.Olsen at healthpartners.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

I am using Jupyter Notebook for Python programing through Anaconda.

Anaconda Navigator version = 1.9.7

Jupyter Notebook version= 6.0.2

When running the following code, presumably there are 6 entries with the value "Not available" in the frequency.  Since the output is a long list, the "Not available" value is omitted in the outcome pane by .. as shown below.


                  150.0    22
      90.0     19
      110.0    19
      100.0    16
      88.0     14
      230.0     1
      107.0     1
      158.0     1
      137.0     1
      167.0     1
      Name: horsepower, Length: 85, dtype: int64

Here is the proof that "Not available " exists in the horsepower variable
cars.horsepower.value_counts().loc["Not available "]


There are 6 entries with the value "Not available"

My question is how to setup Jupyter Notebook in order to let the whole list of values be shown like below?

                  150.0    22
      90.0     19
      110.0    19
      100.0    16
      88.0     14
      105.0    12
      95.0     10
      85.0      9
      70.0      8
      145.0     7
      Not available 6
      84.0      5
      230.0     1
      107.0     1
      158.0     1
      137.0     1
      167.0     1

Thank you in advance!


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