[Tutor] could someone please explain multiprocessing

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 2 20:07:56 EDT 2020

On 03/07/2020 00:20, nathan tech wrote:

> I was wondering if someone was able to explain the multiprocessing 
> module to me.

You might try the concurrency topics in my tutorial.


If you have used threading it should all make sense. Its very basic,
just an introduction to the concepts, but it should get you started.

> Hi parent, are you running?
> Yes I am.
> Great, here is a file for you.
> Thanks child, you can close now and not launch a second instance.
> okay, goodnight!
> So far the way I've done this is through the socket module by having the 
> first program listen on localhost, but this on some systems raises a 
> windows security error. 

I'm not sure I understand this bit. What is the "first program" (ie the
main thread?)  listening for on the socket? Surely you are not
communicating between threads via sockets? That makes no sense?

> I'm wondering how windows media player goes about it?

I have no idea. In fact I don't even know what aspect of WMP
you are referring to? What feature does it have that requires
concurrency? (I'm a Linux user who rarely uses Windows and
certainly never WMP!)

It might help us give a more comprehensive answer if you
could describe the application level requirements rather than
just the proposed solution.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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