[Tutor] Fwd: Re: Beginner Noob
PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Jul 5 16:12:43 EDT 2020
On 6/07/20 2:36 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 06/06/2020 09:38, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:
>> there is a version of C which is native to the Arduino.
> Which version is that? The regular Arduino develoment tool
> comes with C++ as standard, where would you find a native
> Arduino C? (And why would you want to? given C++ is almost
> a complete superset of C)
Apologies @Alan. I fear that these words were chosen too quickly, or are
being taken more precisely than was intended, in their rôle as a v.short
comparison. IIRC I was summarising my own reason for choosing the
Raspberry Pi introduction to SBCs (over the Arduino), which
(conveniently) qualified me for the most gold-stars - because it (just
happens to) recommend Python!
That said, if I was confused or confusing you, longer and more focussed
introductions are also befuddled by the heritage of various Arduino
development facilities:
Arduino programs are written in the Arduino Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). Arduino IDE is a special software running on your
system that allows you to write sketches (synonym for program in Arduino
language) for different Arduino boards. The Arduino programming language
is based on a very simple hardware programming language called
processing, which is similar to the C language. After the sketch is
written in the Arduino IDE, it should be uploaded on the Arduino board
for execution.
Programming on Arduino is definitely not the same thing as programming
on a standard computer. So, what exactly is the Arduino language?
It seems like you’re programming in C/C++, but soon you realize that
it’s not exactly C/C++. You don’t really know what you can do, and what
you can’t do.
In this post I’ll show you all the secrets behind the Arduino language,
so you’ll know exactly what to expect from it, and how you can use it
more efficiently!
Language Reference
See the extended reference for more advanced features of the Arduino
languages and the libraries page for interfacing
with particular types of hardware.
Arduino programs can be divided in three main parts: structure, values
(variables and constants), and functions. The Arduino
language is based on C/C++.
This StackExchange seems to have arguments in favor of C *and* in favor
of C++, so the question would appear perplexing if not confusing:
Recognising the confusion, and presenting his own case, as well as some
history-and-geography of the alternatives (and the escape-clause of the
deep entanglement of C and C++): THE ARDUINO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: WHICH
ONE IS IT? https://www.idogendel.com/en/archives/19
Apologies if you were hoping for a pointer to a C or C++ compiler that
runs natively on the Arduino! (such may/not exist, I have not looked)
Many facilities are (now) available to develop in a variety of
languages, either directly on an Arduino or elsewhere for download.
However, the basic facilities that come with a beginner's kit (apropos
the OP), whatever the provenance of its language, are *not* Python.
Regards =dn
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