[Tutor] New to Linux, trying to install python 3 - please help :)

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Jul 9 10:17:05 EDT 2020

On 7/9/20 6:37 AM, mdrotts via Tutor wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a total noobie to Linux and want to install Python 3 (3.8.3) on a Linux Mint (previously used on Windows 10 machine). 
> Pulling up Terminal and following the instructions from Readme
> Build Instructions


sudo apt-get install python3

or use the software manager, which is possibly a bit more user friendly

invoke as python3  unless... if you're on Ulyana, which I presume is the
derivative of Ubuntu 20.04LTS (haven't used yet), you can also probably
install python-is-python3 to make the "default" python be Python 3.

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