[Tutor] New to Linux, trying to install python 3 - please help :)

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Thu Jul 9 18:35:05 EDT 2020

On 10/07/20 9:58 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 7/9/20 3:22 PM, dn via Tutor wrote:
>>> Similarly most popular packages you may have installed with pip are
>>> also available in the software manager - flask, lxml, etc...
>> What is "software manager"?
> there's a specific (gui) tool available in Mint called "Software
> Manager". It's similar to the (gui) tool Ubuntu calls "Ubuntu Software".

Have checked, and it is not mentioned in Fedora's dnf (yum/rpm) list of 
packages. These days, there seems to be such an abundance of package 
managers/downloaders, one wonders if they are not contributing to the 
very problem they seek to solve?

To the OP:
My Fedora31 (so, not the latest/32 release) is offering Python 3.7.n as 
its 'latest'. (Further) Recommend following Linux Mint's 'latest', 
unless there is something compelling/required from v3.8.
Check here: https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.8.html
Regards =dn

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