[Tutor] I am not able to( " import Youtube from pytube ")I have to submit my project in 2 days. Please help sir I would be very grateful to you

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Jul 16 08:16:59 EDT 2020

On 7/16/20 2:18 AM, MAYANK KUMAR wrote:
> I have installed by pytube and pytube 3  by pip install pytube .And I am
> making a youtube video downloader so I have to import youtube from pytube
> which shows error .Please help me sir . I would be very grateful to you
> .Please reply fast.Thankyou Sir.

You'll need to post what you have tried, and what the errors were
(paste, don't try to summarize: "which shows error" is useless to people
who want to help).  Probably you'll get the best information by
contacting the project directly.

Use pytube3 for Python 3.

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