[Tutor] Request of Help about pymatch

laura marchesini laura.marchesini at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 13:51:00 EDT 2020

Good Morning to everyone,

I am Laura, a student at University in Economics and Finance. I am writing
my Master thesis using Python and I am facing some problems with pymatch..
I would be very grateful if You could give me a hint to solve this
particular issue.

I am performing Propensity Score Matching with pymatch, in particular
matching companies of two different groups according to three variables.
One of these (Sales) is wrongly recognized by Python as many dummies as
many values of the variable itself. The other 2 variables are correctly
recognized as continuous variables. When I call m.X I see thousands of
sales variables, instead of one single column with values for each company.

I used the same code before for another group of data, and it worked well,
so I am not understanding what is not wrong here....

Could You please help me?? That would mean much for me,
Thank You for the attention,

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