[Tutor] Beginner Noob

alexkleider alexkleider at protonmail.com
Sun Jun 7 12:58:36 EDT 2020

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, June 7, 2020 5:51 AM, David <bouncingcats at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 18:39, DL Neil via Tutor tutor at python.org wrote:
> > There is a MicroPython which works well on Raspberry Pi SBCs, whereas
> > there is a version of C which is native to the Arduino.
> May I offer a small correction, because this seems a bit misleading about
> the MicroPython project [1]. The whole point of MicroPython is that it
> has been designed to run directly on a tiny microcontroller, with no
> operating system required, and is optimised for doing so at the cost
> of other performance aspects. It can also run on Linux, for development.
> Raspberry Pi runs Linux. So although you can run MicroPython on a
> Raspberry Pi, you generally wouldn't, because there's no point, and
> any of the other Linux varieties of Python will probably perform better,
> generally speaking, because they will exploit all the advantages provided
> by the operating system.
> [1] https://micropython.org/

A few comments that might be pertinent (from another grey head _without_ a tech background.)

There was a tutorial given at the San Francisco Python MeetUp group at what may have been the last meeting they had before the lock-down.
It was about microPython on the arduino.  You might wish to look that up- there may be info related to it on line.  I can try to look up contacts who might be helpful if you wish.
I've used the RPi a lot- it is very Python orientated and I doubt that you'd run into difficulties because of limited resources, especially if you got a late model one- each model has more ports, more memory, faster processor, ...
It's easy to run the Pi 'headless' so no need for setting up monitor, keyboard, mouse etc (as long as you are comfortable with SSH and the terminal command line.)
Be happy to discuss further (on or off list, the latter perhaps being more appropriate since it will be mostly about the Pi rather than Python.)

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