[Tutor] Python 3 only: Better to use implicit or explicit "object" in class statements?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 13:51:33 EDT 2020

Now in "4.1 Classes" at

Basic question for Python 3 only development:  Is it better style to use
"class ClassName:" or "class ClassName(object):"?  Beazley uses the former
in this material (so far).  Other readings online (no citations handy)
prefer being explicit with the latter.  I note that pylint prefers omitting
"(object)", calling it "useless-object-inheritance".

I realize that if I am trying to write code compatible with both Python 2
and 3 that I need to explicitly inherit from "object".

So, for Python 3 only development is there any consensus?  Are there any
real arguments for being "explicit" with inheriting from "object"?  I have
to say that I have not yet found the allusion to Zen to be explicit not

Wishing you only the best,

boB Stepp

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