[Tutor] Python 3 only: Better to use implicit or explicit "object" in class statements?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sun Jun 7 22:15:32 EDT 2020

On 07Jun2020 12:51, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at gmail.com> wrote:
>prefer being explicit with the latter.  I note that pylint prefers 
>"(object)", calling it "useless-object-inheritance".

My lint script runs pylint with these items disabled:


Now, I might start stripping these back some more since I autoformat 
code more vigorously these days. But these complaints caused more noise 
than their cleanup warranted. For me.

>I realize that if I am trying to write code compatible with both Python 2
>and 3 that I need to explicitly inherit from "object".
>So, for Python 3 only development is there any consensus?  Are there any
>real arguments for being "explicit" with inheriting from "object"?  I have
>to say that I have not yet found the allusion to Zen to be explicit not

If I'm writing shiny new modules (thus, generally for Python 3 only 
unless I have some special purpose in mind), I omit the (object).

When maintaining legacy modules which might still be in play for Python 
2 programmes, I still use (object). because I don't need to break such 
modules gratuitously.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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