[Tutor] i want a solution to my problem

David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Mon Jun 15 09:34:23 EDT 2020

* Chirag Jain <jtarun960 at gmail.com> [2020-06-15 08:31]:
> module 'sqlite300.sqlite3' has no attribute 'connect'

As others have mentioned, we need more information/code to give an accurate
assessment, but that particular message essentially means you have tried to use
the following in some way:


and "connect" is not something contained in sqlite300.sqlite3, so it
fails.  A sample of your code using the above statement will help a lot
in our understanding.

You will need to look at the documentation of the module you are using
(preferably with a link so we can look at it, too), or give us a full
traceback (not just the last line of error) for us to guide further.

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com

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