[Tutor] Advice Please

john johnf at jfcomputer.com
Wed Jun 17 08:52:13 EDT 2020

On 6/17/20 2:44 AM, John Weller wrote:
> Thanks guys for all your help and advice, I am constantly impressed by your obvious passion for the language and willingness to freely give of your time and expertise to help others.  I am also surprised by the large, sometimes overwhelming, amount of information available - my problem is finding it and then sorting the wheat from the chaff 😊  I was first taught to program using a variant of Dartmouth Basic on a mainframe in 1976 as part of a postgraduate navigation course in the RAF.  I progressed through Algol, Fortran, Pascal, etc and earnt my living after I left the service with FoxPro.  I retired 15 years ago but earlier this year I bought a Raspberry Pi and an electronics kit which came with code in Python and C so I had to learn one of them.  I am now hooked on Python but seem to spend my time taking two steps forward then between one and three back!
> Thanks again for all your help.
> John
> John Weller
> 01380 723235
> 07976 393631
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I noticed that you once used FoxPro.  You might want to checkout Dabo 
(https://dabodev.com/). Dabo is python's answer to foxpro.  It works in 
general with python 3.x and wxPython 4.x but some items are not working 
correctly.  I have been working on moving to the latest wxPython 4.1.x.  
There are several branches on github (dabo3-4.1 is my branch).

git clone git at github.com:dabodev/dabo.git

Good luck,

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