[Tutor] TypeError: unhashable type: 'pygame.math.Vector2'
PyTutor at danceswithmice.info
Fri Jun 26 20:12:54 EDT 2020
On 27/06/20 2:25 AM, Cravan wrote:
> Sadly, an error pops up when I change the code.
> Here's my edited code for the class file:
> ````
> class Zomb(pg.sprite.Sprite):
> def __init__(self, game, x, y):
> self.groups = game.all_sprites, game.zombs
> pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, self.groups)
> self.game = game
> self.image = game.zomb_img
> self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
> #image = image provided in game
> self.x = x
> self.y = y
> self.pos = (x, y)
> #this is each state
> #possible states
> for a in range(int(GRIDWIDTH)):
> for b in range(int(GRIDHEIGHT)):
> self.stateSpace = [(a,b)]
> self.actionSpace = {'U': - 1, 'D': 1,
> 'L': - 1, 'R': 1}
> #corresponding adjustments
> self.possibleActions = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']
> #list of possible actions
> self.vel = 0
> self.acc = 0
> self.rect.center = vec(self.x, self.y)
> self.rotate = 0
> def setState(self, state):
> self.pos = state
> def TerminalState(self, state):
> if self.game.health == 0:
> return True
> else:
> return False
> def step(self, action):
> x, y = self.x, self.y
> if self.actionSpace[action] == 'U':
> self.y = self.y + 1
> elif self.actionSpace[action] == 'D':
> self.y = self.y - 1
> elif self.actionSpace[action] == 'R':
> self.x = self.x + 1
> elif self.actionSpace[action] == 'L':
> self.x = self.x - 1
> resultingState = (self.x, self.y)
> self.game.reward = -1 if not self.TerminalState(resultingState) else 0
> self.setState(resultingState)
> return resultingState, self.game.reward,\
> self.TerminalState(resultingState), None
> def actionSpaceSample(self):
> return np.random.choice(self.possibleActions)
> def update(self):
> self.rotate = (self.game.player.pos - self.rect.center).angle_to(vec(1, 0))
> self.image = self.game.zomb_img
> self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
> self.acc = vec(ZOMB_SPEED, 0).rotate(-self.rotate)
> ````
> And here's my edited main implementation now in the update() function:
> ```
> ALPHA = 0.1
> GAMMA = 1.0
> EPS = 1.0
> Q = {}
> for zomb in self.zombs:
> print(zomb.stateSpace)
> for state in zomb.stateSpace:
> for action in zomb.possibleActions:
> Q[state, action] = 0
> numGames = 10
> totalRewards = np.zeros(numGames)
> for i in range(numGames):
> print('starting game ', i + 1)
> epRewards = 0
> rand = np.random.random()
> for zomb in self.zombs:
> observation = zomb.pos
> #state
> action = maxAction(Q, observation, zomb.possibleActions) if rand < (1-EPS) \
> else zomb.actionSpaceSample()
> #choosing the best action possible
> observationnew, reward, done, info = zomb.step(action)
> epRewards += reward
> for zomb in self.zombs:
> possible_actions = zomb.possibleActions
> action_ = maxAction(Q, observationnew, possible_actions)
> Q[observation,action] = Q[observation,action] + ALPHA*(reward + \
> GAMMA*Q[observationnew,action_] - Q[observation,action])
> observation = observationnew
> if EPS - 2 / numGames > 0:
> EPS -= 2 / numGames
> else:
> EPS = 0
> totalRewards[i] = epRewards
> ```
> However, this error pops up:
> #######
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "maze.py", line 181, in <module>
> g.run()
> File "maze.py", line 53, in run
> self.update()
> File "maze.py", line 109, in update
> action_ = maxAction(Q, observationnew, possible_actions)
> File "maze.py", line 177, in maxAction
> values = np.array([Q[state,a] for a in actions])
> File "maze.py", line 177, in <listcomp>
> values = np.array([Q[state,a] for a in actions])
> KeyError: ((6, 26), 'U')
> ######
It may be worth taking a step-back - both in terms of the design you are
implementing and the questions you are asking of us:-
Have looked and looked, and then used 'find', but failed to find the
code-line at-error. Why? [help us to help you!]
Aside from learning Python's idioms, are you using a competent IDE?
Could you then use full-names instead of abbreviations, without adding
major effort? I think we could guess what a "zomb" is, but would it be
better (and kinder) to remove all doubt?
Have comments and "docstrings" (a pythonic idiom) been used to describe
what the code/each function is supposed to do, and why?
If the game's environment is described as a "grid", why is its width and
height described using anything other than int[eger]s?
What is the purpose of "state"? Is there a difference between "state"
and "position" (or next-/previous-position)?
Have you understood the (animation) concept of collision? (assuming that
is part of the intent here) Have you noted various algorithms and
approximations which are commonly-used?
Regards =dn
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