[Tutor] Advice on working with Firefox's cookies.sqlite

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 27 18:41:48 EDT 2020

On 27/06/2020 20:02, Jim wrote:

> When I get a chance I'll try shutting down just the normal one and see 
> if that helps.

I'll be surprised. All instances of firefox will use the same
cookie database. If it gets deleted they will just regenerate
it using the in-memory cache. They are using sqlite as a
persistence mechanism not a database. Its table structures
are used just as a useful data format and to provide basic
multi-session access/locking control.

But so long as there is a single instance running you probably
can't even guarantee that changes made by the other instances
(let alone any external program) will stick.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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