[Tutor] clipping 2 arrays that are in a single cell in a dataframe

David Wolfe dkwolfe at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 08:49:22 EST 2020

 So I have the following code and output

x = dq.iloc[0,1]


(array([  2.22103139e-16,   3.90537106e-16,   5.69543182e-16, ...,
        -2.35780223e-08,  -2.26280054e-08,  -2.13661206e-08]), array([
 7.68783923e-17,   1.43759013e-16,   2.15375256e-16, ...,
        -1.06071943e-08,  -1.02689930e-08,  -9.77763418e-09]))

As you can see, the contents of this particular cell are 2 arrays.
The problem is that there is a lot of junk data in this data.  The
array is actually X and Y coordinates, but none
of them should be below or less than 1.  When I had just 1 array per
cell, I used the following to limit the array to just what I needed:

x_above_one_hundred = np.where(x>10Output:0)
xx = np.clip(x[x_above_one_hundred],125,300)

Now, I just need something to do the same thing when I have 2 arrays
in a dataframe cell.


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