[Tutor] Python Training: Intermediate to Advanced

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 5 18:50:39 EST 2020

On 05/03/2020 20:51, Ogiri via Tutor wrote:
> Hello,I am interested in Python training and in need of a trainer.Kindly assist.
> Regards,Raphael.


That's not how the list works. The list is the tutor.
You ask us questions and we answer.

Ideally you find one of the many online or paper tutorials
that suits your style and work through it. If you find anything
hard to understand or that doesn't seem to work then you can
ask us and we will try to help.

When you ask please include:
Your OS and Python version
Your code and any error messages (in full)
Any sample data input and output (if relevant)
Which tutorial you are reading

The more information you give the higher the likelihood
that we can give you an answer.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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