[Tutor] Python Beginner Book Advice
David L Neil
PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Tue Mar 17 21:05:40 EDT 2020
On 18/03/20 3:07 AM, Genius Pete wrote:
> Hello!
> I am a high schooler taking AP CSP and I am about 2 weeks off from school
> due to coronavirus. My teacher has told us that we will start with the
> Create Task when we come back, but I only know JavaScript and HTML. I need
> to learn either Python or Java, and decided to learn about Python. I need
> to study for those two weeks, so can you please recommend a textbook for
> beginners and or a step by step guide that would be helpful. Thank you very
> much, I don’t know whom to contact, but please let me know whom to contact
> if you don’t know the answer to my problem. Also I have been looking around
> Automate the Boring Stuff, Python Crash Course, and Invent your own Games
> with Python. Do you recommend to buy all three of these books for my create
> task, or stick to one or two?
> Thanks for your time,
> Pete
> P.S: I would like a textbook since I can see it and take notes on it, I
> don’t want a virtual guide, but if it helps include it with the textbook.
Wow, I wonder how many other genii (geniuses) we have here? I'd make a
joke about genies (also genii?) but you're probably too young to
remember Barbara Eden.
Your question about 'how many books' reminds me of the old saw: never
take two chronometers to sea. (if they differ, which one do you
believe?) In this case, one book is good (implicit quality assumption),
two books might be helpful, but having a third is likely to find itself
used much less.
You need to start with a focus, ie following one book. If something is
unclear, having a second volume will enable you to see if 'the same
material' presented differently helps your mind go 'click'. However,
there are so many sources on-line, if that one book is insufficient, you
might as well improve your search-engine key-word selection skills to
find alternative presentations - and ultimately, we are here!
I learned the language using a book called "Core Python" by Chen.
Hundreds of pages long, I describe such tomes as 'sold by the pound'.
After sounding like an insult, I have to say I found it very
comprehensive. Sadly, my copy is Python2, but I recall that he published
an update for Python3. Perhaps you will find details on Amazon or similar?
Referring back to the three-books idea: Sixty-North publish a series of
books: Python Apprentice, ...Journeyman, and ...Master. (you won't want
to purchase all three at once!). These follow a circular or spiral path
through Python materials, so as a total picture they exceed your current
request - but will 'grow' with you! I can recommend them.
I am intrigued by your preference for a "textbook". Most 'modern'
educational writing suggests that today's generation of school-kids are
"digital natives" and prefer their materials on-screen. (rightly or
wrongly). Did you have a particular reason for using the term, or is the
medium less important than a cohesive and cumulative presentation?
Noting that you already have a response which talks about books
available on-line, continuing that idea, would you consider on-line
courses from edX, Coursera, etc? Were you implying that video-lectures
don't suit you?
The earlier advice - don't just read, but practice, is pure-gold! You
cannot prove your understanding of Python until you can write code! I
would like to add, that highlighting or scribbling in textbook margins
is NOT an effective learning technique. Interestingly, making notes on a
PC or tablet similarly lacks 'stickability' in the brain.
The proven way to learn (from (at least) as far back as my time, and
according to current research) is to make notes in a lab-book/log-book.
The process of pausing (not so easy during a live-lecture), thinking
about the material, forming your own "model", and then (hand) writing
notes in your own words; which aids memory. It also facilitates
reviewing the material that evening/next day (or very soon but not
immediately-after initial writing).
The first step helps you to form your own view or 'map' of the material.
The second, will more than double the chances that the major points will
lodge in long-term memory - ie you will remember it even after this
year's exams!
One word of warning, if I may: (Cognitive Psychology is my research
area) there was a Pop-Psy theory which spread widely through the
teaching community, parents, et al; that there are different
'intelligences' (which part we won't debate at this time), which led to
the conclusion that different intelligences require different forms of
teaching. This last part is *not* proven by serious research. In
reality, we need to be able to take any and all information we are
given, in whatever form/format/media - and learn from that if we are to
survive in a fast-changing world. Accordingly, the aforementioned theory
does tremendous damage when people fixate on the idea that they can only
learn in one manner or mode. Yes we might have preferences, and yours
might well differ from mine, but the fact remains that the IT-business
changes so much and so fast, we must 'learn'/stay up-to-date from a
veritable fire-hose of information-flow. So, learning-flexibility is a
paramount skill!
- I use edX as a training platform, but not in Python
- I would receive no commission were you to purchase a book from Amazon, etc
- I'm writing this without Internet access, so no web.refs (apologies),
but I'm sure you're capable of tracking-down stuff for yourself.
Regards =dn
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