[Tutor] using dictionaries

Curt Hamblin chamblin850 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 15:52:48 EDT 2020

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I cannot understand why 
one works and the other doesn't

-------------- next part --------------
{37163: 2, 37869: 3, 37871: 2, 39331: 5, 39385: 1, 40172: 1, 40181: 1, 40525: 4, 40764: 1, 40864: 1, 40868: 1, 40869: 1, 40871: 2, 40885: 4, 40887: 2, 41921: 1, 42297: 1, 46070: 1, 46078: 2, 46088: 1, 46089: 2, 47083: 1, 49127: 2, 54851: 1, 54857: 1, 54862: 1, 54863: 1, 55025: 1, 55148: 1, 55614: 1, 56725: 1}

need = {}
need[40885] = 9
need[37869] = 3
need[46041] = 1

print ('Need dictionary = ',need)
print('Belt Counter == ', belt_dict)

Need dictionary =  {40885: 9, 37869: 3, 46041: 1}
Belt Counter ==  Counter({'40885': 9, '37869': 3, '46041': 1})

print (' ================================================')
print('Uses Need dictionary -----------------------------')
for x_key,y_value in need.items():
    print(inv_dict.get(x_key,' no idea why this does NOT work'))
    print(x_key,y_value,inv_dict.get(x_key,'Not in  inventory'))
print ( '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=---')
c = belt_dict
print('Uses belt_dict Counter ')       
for x_key,y_value in c.items():
    print(inv_dict.get(x_key,' key only'))
    print(x_key,y_value,inv_dict.get(x_key,'Not in  inventory'))
 results of running this code

Uses Need dictionary ----  Works as expected  -------------------------
40885 9
40885 9 4

37869 3
37869 3 3

46041 1
 no idea why this does NOT work
46041 1 Not in  inventory

   Does NOT Work

Uses belt_dict Counter 
40885 9
 key only
40885 9 Not in  inventory

37869 3
 key only
37869 3 Not in  inventory

46041 1
 key only
46041 1 Not in  inventory

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