[Tutor] using dictionaries

DL Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Thu Mar 19 22:37:09 EDT 2020

On 20/03/20 11:46 AM, Curt Hamblin wrote:
> Thanks for responding. the problem was the string / integer comparison.  
> To soon old, to late smart.  I had to have someone else to point it out 
> to me. But it's fixed and working now, with only my pride being hurt.

You got it!

Don't be too bothered: it's a typical 'can't see the wood for the trees' 

I suspect (am I allowed to say, "hope"?) that we will have many more 
'beginners' appearing on the list, taking advantage of virus down-time 
and using it to learn Python. You'll be able to lend them a hand...

Regards =dn

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