[Tutor] Unexpected result

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 27 15:49:34 EDT 2020

On 27/03/2020 19:32, Janet Hernandez wrote:
> Hello my name is Janet Hernandez. I am a beginner in computer science and I have been using python to learn programming logic in my course. 
> ... it appears that python incorrectly calculates the product of 1.8*13,

This is not a Python issue, it happens in most languages.

The explanation is to do with how computers store floating point
numbers. Its quite detailed and there is a good explanation on wikipedia


Read sections 4 through 7 for the full explanation.
(You should cover this in your course at some stage!)

And its not just 13*1.8



Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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