[Tutor] Newline issues
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 11 19:21:42 EDT 2020
On 11/05/2020 19:36, boB Stepp wrote:
> Now we get to my point of confusion. When I copy and paste the text.txt
> contents into a triple-quoted string variable in the interpreter I get
> results I am not sure I understand:
> 3.7.5: s = """
> ... NOTE:This is a test contact to see all fields.\n2nd line\: Did not fill in
> ... \"Chat\" field.\n3rd line\: Did not fill in \"Internet call\" field.\n4t
> ... h line\: I will keep typing until the editor flows this text to the follo
> ... wing line. It will now happen.\n1st custom label: My first custom field\n
> ... 2nd custom label: My second custom field\n3rd custom label: My third custo
> ... m field
> ... """
> 3.7.5: s
> '\nNOTE:This is a test contact to see all fields.\n2nd line\\: Did not fill in\n "Chat" field.\n3rd line\\: Did not fill in "Internet call" field.\n4t\n h line\\: I will keep typing until the editor flows this text to the follo\n wing line. It will now happen.\n1st custom label: My first custom field\n\n 2nd custom label: My second custom field\n3rd custom label: My third custo\n m field\n'
> 3.7.5: print(s)
> NOTE:This is a test contact to see all fields.
> 2nd line\: Did not fill in
> "Chat" field.
> 3rd line\: Did not fill in "Internet call" field.
> 4t
> h line\: I will keep typing until the editor flows this text to the follo
> wing line. It will now happen.
> 1st custom label: My first custom field
> 2nd custom label: My second custom field
> 3rd custom label: My third custo
> m field
> I am not certain how just entering "s" in the interpreter will display in
> your MUAs, but in my display it as if the natural line breaks have
> vanished with the exception of the manual one I entered immediately after
> the first triple-quote and what I entered just before the final
> triple-quote.
I think you are seeing the difference between str.__repr__() and
It happens with double or soingle quoted strings too:
>>> print("this is a double\nline of text")
this is a double
line of text
>>> "this is a double\nline of text"
'this is a double\nline of text'
repr() just outputs the characters without taking heed of escape
characters like newlines whereas str() interprets escape characters.
Alan G
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