[Tutor] [nzpug] SuperHELP ready to use (a no-install notebook option available)

Grant Paton-Simpson grant at p-s.co.nz
Sun May 17 00:22:27 EDT 2020

The latest version makes it even easier to get help. Assuming you
already have superhelp pip installed just add the following two lines to
the top of a Python 3.6+ script and run the script:

import superhelp

Feedback welcome at superhelp at p-s.co.nz

On 17/05/20 2:52 pm, DL Neil wrote:
> Greetings!
> A fellow member of the New Zealand Python User Group has recently
> released SuperHELP which has many potential uses for both tutors and
> learners. Herewith his release announcement, FYI:-
> Regards =dn
> Hi,
> The Python SuperHELP project is now ready to use - available from
> Pypi/pip3.
> You don't have to install SuperHELP if you just want a quick look -
> there is a button in the README with a Binder link to a Jupyter
> notebook. A big thanks to Ben Denham for suggesting this approach and
> providing an example from his own project :-).
>  From the README:
>> Superhelp is Help for Humans! The goal is to provide customised help
>> for simple code snippets. Superhelp is not intended to replace the
>> built-in Python help but to supplement it for basic Python code
>> structures. Superhelp will also be opinionated. Help can be provided
>> in a variety of contexts including the terminal and web browsers
>> (perhaps as part of on-line tutorials).
>>     Example Use Cases
>>  *
>>     Charlotte is a Python beginner and wants to get advice on a
>>     five-line function she wrote to display greetings to a list of
>>     people. She learns about Python conventions for variable naming
>>     and better ways of combining strings.
>>  *
>>     Avi wants to get advice on a named tuple. He learns how to add doc
>>     strings to individual fields.
>>  *
>>     Zach is considering submitting some code to Stack Overflow but
>>     wants to improve it first (or possibly get ideas for a solution
>>     directly). He discovers that a list comprehension might work. He
>>     also becomes aware of dictionary comprehensions for the first time.
>>  *
>>     Noor has written a simple Python decorator but is wanting to see
>>     if there is anything which can be improved. She learns how to use
>>     functool.wrap from an example provided.
>>  *
>>     Al is an experienced Python developer but tends to forget things
>>     like doc strings in his functions. He learns a standard approach
>>     and starts using it more often.
> This is an early version of SuperHELP but it should be useful enough
> already (fingers crossed) to start getting real-world user feedback.
> All the best,
> Grant

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