[Tutor] Python library
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Nov 1 18:37:33 EST 2020
On 01/11/2020 19:09, Tesfalem Abraham wrote:
> Hello, i am beginner her and wants to get all python libraries and built-in
> function. Any website or anything you may suggest me.
The standard library is described on the python.org website.
The Pypi site has a lot of the 3rd party libraries.
But there are new libraries being added all the time. And
nobody uses all of them, many are highly specialized.
If you are keen on science you can install Anaconda which
includes the standard library and most of the SciPy catalog
of packages and modules too.
But there are far too many library packages for one person
to ever explore thoroughly in their entire life. For example
my book "Python Projects" provides a very high level introduction
to over 60 of the standard library modules in around 400 pages.
That's about 30% of the total library that ships with every
copy of Python.
But the standard library probably accounts for less than 5%
of the total python catalog. So to give a general intro to
all of them would take around 20,000 pages of documentation!
This is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because
pretty much anything you want to do probably has a module
somewhere that will get you going. But it's a curse because
for most things there will be a choice and finding the
exact right module in the flood of options can be a real
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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