[Tutor] Testing for mouse clicks

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 18:41:44 EST 2020

Spurred on by success with my recent project involving a grid of lists, 
I now have another grid project in mind. If I want to test whether the 
mouse is over, say one of six window locations, I would do something 
like the following to test the mouse coordinates:

if 136 <= x <= 156 and 370 <= y <= 390:
elif 186 <= x <= 206 and 370 <= y <= 390:
elif 236 <= x <= 256 and 370 <= y <= 390:
elif etc

Now, if I have a 15 * 15 grid of window locations that I want to test 
then repeating the above 225 times becomes a bit untidy, and tedious. 
How might I best attack this mouse_testing problem?


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