Leonard Ujomu leobizy at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 11 17:46:51 EST 2020

If a filesystem has a block size of 4096 bytes, this means that a file comprised of only one byte will still use 4096 bytes of storage. A file made up of 4097 bytes will use 4096*2=8192 bytes of storage. Knowing this, can you fill in the gaps in the calculate_storage function below, which calculates the total number of bytes needed to store a file of a given size
def calculate_storage(filesize):    block_size = 4096    # Use floor division to calculate how many blocks are fully occupied    full_blocks = 8192    # Use the modulo operator to check whether there's any remainder    partial_block_remainder = 4097 % 2    # Depending on whether there's a remainder or not, return    # the total number of bytes required to allocate enough blocks    # to store your data.    if partial_block_remainder > 0:        return block_size    return full_blocks
print(calculate_storage(1))    # Should be 4096print(calculate_storage(4096)) # Should be 4096print(calculate_storage(4097)) # Should be 8192print(calculate_storage(6000)) # Should be 8192

After running, i get the following result

Where is my error please??? Thank you

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