[Tutor] Indentation Frustrations
nathan tech
nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 18 19:19:53 EST 2020
Hey there,
Are you running this directly in the python command line?
If so, remove the blank lines.
You could also try copying your code into a file and then doing python
On 18/11/2020 22:19, Nathaniel Dodson wrote:
> Please, for the love of God, why am I constantly getting indentation errors
> when I'm trying to write some simple Pygame code? I have Googled the error
> messages and it says my indentation has to be uniform. But it is for Pete's
> sake! I'm ripping my hair out bc I'm not copying and pasting the code; I'm
> typing it line for line from a tutorial. I get to a certain point and it
> just gives me indentation error after indentation error. This is the code,
> and when I get to the part to assign keyboard key functions for movement,
> it gives me "expected an indented block" error (and always highlights the
> "i" in the if statement in red):
> import pygame
> pygame.init()
> win = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
> pygame.display.set_caption("First Game")
> x = 50
> y = 50
> width = 40
> height = 60
> vel = 5
> run = True
> while run:
> pygame.time.delay(100)
> for event in pygame.event.get():
> if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
> run = False
> keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
> if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
> if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
> I'm not getting what's going on. I know about mixing tabs with spaces, and
> I'm not doing that. That's what I learned through Googling the issue.
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