[Tutor] Tutor List - Amir Khoeilar

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Nov 22 07:39:44 EST 2020

On 22/11/2020 05:40, Amir Khoeilar wrote:

> This is Amir Khoeilar and I Just started learning Python. Most Definitely
> will need help.

Welcome to the tutor list. Feel free to ask anything that puzzles
you about Python, its library, or programming in general.

If posting please note these points:

1) This is a text only list so binary attachments like screenshots
   will be stripped out by the server.
2) Always post code in your mail body using plain text not HTML.
   HTML results in the text formatting (the spacing) being lost
   which is very bad when dealing with python code!
3) Always include the full text of any error messages, they
   may seem like gibberish but actually hold a lot of
   detailed information.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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